Probate Research Services
With over 20 years of experience in probate and genealogy research we have highly skilled genealogists, agents and correspondents throughtout the world who specialize in locating heirs and beneficiaries to estates. We use leading-edge technology along with more than 10 million volumes of public and private records on microfilm at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City. These assets have resulted in an extraordinary success rate in locating heirs to estates in less time. Our services have been designed to assist government agencies, the courts, legal professionals, trustees and executors to locate heirs to their probate related cases.
free evaluation
We will conduct a free evaluation of your specific case to give you an idea of what is involved in your particular case.
forensic report & documentation
Our clients receive a comprehensive report detailing the extent of our investigation, a genealogy chart that outlines the heirs and all documents used to support our conclusions. A notarized Affidavit of Due Diligence is also available upon request.
Sometimes a case can be solved in a few hours, but when the decedent had no children and had not been in touch with family members for decades, it can take considerably more time to identify possible extended family members. A minimum retainer will be determined on a case by case basis.
Fees for Services
- General Probate Research - $75.00 per hour
- Urgent Requests - $95.00
Expenses, such as copy costs, document fees and national database use fees will be billed in addition to the fee for hourly research.